Quick Start
The fastest way to try Omnigres out is by using its container image:
docker volume create omnigres
# The environment variables (`-e`) below have these set as defaults
docker run --name omnigres \
-e POSTGRES_USER=omnigres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=omnigres \
--mount source=omnigres,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p -p --rm ghcr.io/omnigres/omnigres:latest
# Now you can connect to it:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U omnigres omnigres # password is `omnigres`
You can access the HTTP server at localhost:8080
Important updates
April 2023: Omnigres container image now includes plrust, an extension that allows developing functions in Rust!
Which batteries are included?
This image contains all Omnigres extensions (with omni_httpd and omni_web preinstalled), as well as the following languages & extensions:
- adminpack
- amcheck
- autoinc
- bloom
- bool_plperl
- bool_plperlu
- btree_gin
- btree_gist
- citext
- cube
- dblink
- dict_int
- dict_xsyn
- earthdistance
- file_fdw
- fuzzystrmatch
- hstore
- hstore_plperl
- hstore_plperlu
- hstore_plpython3u
- insert_username
- intagg
- intarray
- isn
- jsonb_plperl
- jsonb_plperlu
- jsonb_plpython3u
- lo
- ltree
- ltree_plpython3u
- moddatetime
- old_snapshot
- omni_containers
- omni_ext
- omni_http
- omni_httpc
- omni_httpd
- omni_seq
- omni_sql
- omni_types
- omni_web
- pageinspect
- pg_buffercache
- pg_freespacemap
- pg_prewarm
- pg_stat_statements
- pg_surgery
- pg_trgm
- pg_visibility
- pg_walinspect
- pgcrypto
- pgrowlocks
- pgstattuple
- pljava (temporarily excluded)
- plperl
- plperlu
- plpgsql
- plpython3u
- plrust
- pltcl
- pltclu
- postgres_fdw
- refint
- seg
- sslinfo
- tablefunc
- tcn
- tsm_system_rows
- tsm_system_time
- unaccent
- uuid-ossp
- xml2
Why is the container image so large?
Unfortunately, plrust extension is responsible for many gigabytes of artifacts in the image. Typically, if you need Rust, this is not a big problem as both development machines and servers can handle this just fine.
However, if you want a smaller image and don't need Rust, use slim flavor:
Building your own image¶
If you can't use the pre-built image (for example, you are running a fork or made changes), you can build the image yourself: