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Sequences and Distributed IDs

You may have learned that one of the current limitations of Postgres logical replication is that sequence data is not replicated:

From Postgres documentation:

The data in serial or identity columns backed by sequences will of course be replicated as part of the table, but the sequence itself would still show the start value on the subscriber. If the subscriber is used as a read-only database, then this should typically not be a problem. If, however, some kind of switchover or failover to the subscriber database is intended, then the sequences would need to be updated to the latest values, either by copying the current data from the publisher (perhaps using pg_dump) or by determining a sufficiently high value from the tables themselves.

This may be an undesirable behavior in some scenarios. Indeed, if there was a switchover, and a replica was to continue with the insertion of new records, it'll start failing with primary key constraint violation because sequence counters ("sequence data") has not been replicated.

In this extension, you can work around this limitation by using one of the distributed (or prefixed) identifier types. The core of the idea is that every ID should contain a node identifier (prefix) and an identifier itself.


These types are named using the following pattern: omni_seq.id_<TYPE>_<TYPE>, where TYPE is one of the following:

  • int16
  • int32
  • int64

For brevity, where prefix type and identifier type are the same, the type is not repeated, so instead of omni_seq.id_int64_int64 we call it omni_seq.id_int64.

How to Use

One can use it as a default value for a primary key, with an explicitly created sequence:

create sequence seq;
create table t
  id omni_seq.id_int64 primary key not null default
     omni_seq.id_int64_nextval(NODE_ID, 'seq') -- (1)
  1. NODE_ID is either a number assigned to the current node or a unique system identifier (which can be retrieved using omni_seq.system_identifier()1 function)
Why not generated always as identity?

The reason why we can't use generated ... as identity syntax is that this functionality is tied to local counters.

We also can't use generated columns at all, as "the generation expression can only use immutable functions", and nextval is volatile as it increments the sequence counter.

Migration Guide

If you already have a table that you might need to prepare for prefixed identifiers, this guide will show how it can be done relatively easily.

Let's assume we have a table with an integer primary key:

create table my_table (
    id integer primary key generated always as identity

insert into my_table select from generate_series(1, 10);

Now we want to add a 64-bit2 prefixed identifier, reusing the existing sequence locally.

create extension if not exists omni_seq;

lock table my_table; -- (1)

alter table my_table
    alter column id drop identity if exists;

create sequence my_table_id_seq;

alter table my_table
    alter column id type omni_seq.id_int64_int32 
        using omni_seq.id_int64_int32_make(0, id), -- (2)
    alter column id 
        set default omni_seq.id_int64_int32_nextval(
            omni_seq.system_identifier(), 'my_table_id_seq');
  1. Do the migration while locking other clients out.
  2. 0 here signifies migrated rows.

When we insert into and query the table again, we'll see this:

psql=# insert into my_table values (default) returning id;
 7222168279780171472:1 -- (1)
(1 row)
psql=# table my_table;
(11 rows)
  1. The actual number you will see will be different

If you already have replicas

The database schema and DDL commands are not replicated.

Therefore it is important to ensure that you perform the above before having a production setup. Otherwise, take appropriate steps to ensure the above changes are applied on all replicas in sync and due caution is exercised to ensure the upgrade is atomic.

We want to have a better answer to this. Please consider contributing your suggestions on how to handle this case.

  1. An integer contained in the pg_control file providing a reasonably unique database cluster identifier. The function is effectively a simplified version of SELECT system_identifier FROM pg_control_system() 

  2. Postgres unique system identifier is a 64-bit integer, see 1