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Transaction Retry

When using serializable transactions, it's often necessary to employ a retry strategy in case of serialization failure. The algorthms are fairly typical, so repeating them manually doesn't always make a lot of sense. omni_txn provides retry procedure to handle such typical cases.

Parameter Type Description
stmts text Statement(s) to execute. Multiple statements separated by semicolon.
max_attempts int Max number of times to retry. 0 means no retries. 10 by default.
repeatable_read boolean Use REPEATABLE READ instead of SERIALIZABLE. False by default.
collect_backoff_values boolean Collect actual backoff values for inspection. False by default.

Retry attempt

There is a helper function omni_txn.current_retry_attempt() that provides retry attempt during the retry() call. 0 stands for the first run, 1 for the first retry, etc.


Let's consider the following schema:

create table inventory
    id           serial primary key,
    product_name text,
    quantity     int
insert into inventory (product_name, quantity)
values ('Widget', 100);

Now, if we have these two simultaneous transactions happening, the second one may have committed first:

--- Transaction (1)

select quantity
from inventory
where product_name = 'Widget';

--- and here (2) will happen
update inventory
set quantity = quantity + 20
where product_name = 'Widget';

-- ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions

--- Transaction (2)

update inventory
set quantity = quantity - 10
where product_name = 'Widgert';


If we use omni_txn.retry, the failed transaction can be driven to completion:

--- (1)
call omni_txn.retry($$
select quantity from inventory where product_name = 'Widget';
update inventory set quantity = quantity + 20
       where product_name = 'Widget'
--- (2)
call omni_txn.retry($$
update inventory set quantity = quantity - 10
       where product_name = 'Widgert'