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This extension provides a unified Virtual File System (VFS) API for Postgres to interact with different file systems regardless of their backends.

This approach allows interchangeable backends in the following scenarios:

  • Interacting with files in development environment

This enables a smooth development experience that doesn't require moving data from the filesystem to the database, like serving static files, picking up migrations, etc.

  • Retrieving files from a Postgres-backed Git repositories

This can facilitate streamline deployment rollouts as migrations and static files can be retrieved using the same API.

  • Interacting with remote storages

A lot of applications deal with remote storages like S3 or Google Cloud Storage. This interface allows using local file system when testing and a real one in staging and production, without changing anything.

Work in progress

This extension's API is minimalistic at this time and does not support a number of scenarios. For example, there are no writing capabilities, any form of streaming, etc.

It is intended that this functionality will be implemented. You can also help by contributing or funding the development of features that you need.


The following query:

    fs as (select omni_vfs.local_fs('/home/omni/dev/omnigres/omnigres/extensions/omni_vfs') as fs),
    entries as (select fs, (omni_vfs.list(fs, '')).* from fs)
    (omni_vfs.file_info(fs, '/' ||*

Results in:

name kind size created_at accessed_at modified_at
CMakeLists.txt file 429 2023-06-08 14:10:18.742915 2023-06-08 14:10:19.407029 2023-06-08 14:10:18.742915
mkdocs.yml file 50 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743315 2023-06-08 14:10:19.3241 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743315
omni_vfs.h file 229 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743582 2023-06-08 14:10:19.407321 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743582
tests dir 96 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743633 2023-06-08 14:10:20.495602 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743633
docs dir 96 2023-06-08 17:24:37.978643 2023-06-08 17:24:39.164254 2023-06-08 17:24:37.978643
local_fs.c file 9371 2023-06-08 14:39:41.67565 2023-06-08 14:40:18.467411 2023-06-08 14:39:41.67565 file 12 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743 2023-06-08 14:10:19.407083 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743
omni_vfs--0.1.sql file 3073 2023-06-08 17:10:55.278702 2023-06-08 17:11:04.599535 2023-06-08 17:10:55.278702
omni_vfs.c file 347 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743496 2023-06-08 14:10:19.40728 2023-06-08 14:10:18.743496


omni_vfs_types_v1.file type

Describes a file entry.

Field Type Description
name text File name
kind omni_vfs_types_v1.file_kind File kind (file, dir) 2

omni_vs_api.file_info type

Describes file meta information.

Field Type Description
size bigint File size
created_at timestamp File creation time (if available)
accessed_at timestamp File access time (if available)
modified_at timestamp File modification time (if available)
kind omni_vfs_types_v1.file_kind File kind (file, dir) 2


Lists a directory or a single file.

Parameter Type Description
fs Filesystem type Filesystem
path text Path to list. If it is a single file, returns that file
fail_unpermitted bool Raise an error if directory can't be open. true by default.

Returns a set of omni_vfs_types_v1.file values.


This is a helper function implemented for all backends that lists all files recursively.

Parameter Type Description
fs Filesystem type Filesystem
path text Path to list. If it is a single file, returns that file
max bigint Limit the number of files to be returned. No limit by default.

Returns a set of omni_vfs_types_v1.file

Use caution if the directory might contain a lot of files

If there are a lot of files, this function will use a lot of memory and will take a long time. To safeguard against this, use of max parameter is strongly recommended.

One of the reasons why this function has a long name is to force its users to use it carefully and sparingly.


Provides file information (similar to POSIX stat)

Parameter Type Description
fs Filesystem type Filesystem
path text Path to the file

Returns a value of the omni_vfs_types_v1.file_info type.

If file does not exist, returns null as there no information to be retrieved about it. In all other cases expected to raise an exception.

Reads a chunk of the file.

Parameter Type Description
fs Filesystem type Filesystem
path text Path to the file
file_offset bigint Offset to read at. Defaults to 0.
chunk_size bigint Number of bytes to read. By default, tries to read to the end 1.

Returns a bytea value


Reads a chunk of the file.

Parameter Type Description
fs Filesystem type Filesystem
path text Path to the file
content bytea Bytes to write
create_file boolean Create a file if it does not exist. false by default.
append boolean Append file. false by default.

Returns the number of bytes written, as bigint.


Currently, omni_vfs provides the following backends:

omni_vfs.local_fs (local file system)

This backend can be created by invoking omni_vfs.local_fs(mount), where mount is the directory that will be mounted by the backend. No access outside of this directory will be permitted. The function returns omni_vfs.local_fs type which only contains an identifier of the instance that references omni_vfs.local_fs_mounts table.

Who can access the filesystems?

omni_vfs.local_fs_mounts has row-level security enabled, allowing finer tuning of access to mounts and modification of the mounts with policies. Such policies can be used to determine under which conditions mounting of new directories is possible, and which mounts can be accessed under given conditions.

omni_vfs.table_fs (table backed file system)

This backend can be created by invoking omni_vfs.table_fs('fs'), where fs is the name of the filesystem. The function returns omni_vfs.table_fs type which only contains an identifier of the instance that references omni_vfs.table_fs_filesystems table.

There are two tables for this backend:

  • omni_vfs.table_fs_files for storing filesystem id, filename, kind and omni_vfs(update queries not allowed).

  • omni_vfs.table_fs_file_data for storing the data and timestamps of file kind files.

File operation queries

  • The following query creates an entry for sample.txt file in omni_vfs.table_fs_files in fs table_fs filesystem. There is no need to create parent directories, they will be created automatically if it doesn't exist.

    insert into omni_vfs.table_fs_files (filesystem_id, filename, kind)
    ((omni_vfs.table_fs('fs')).id, '/dir/sample.txt', 'file');

  • To associate data with the file created above run the following query. It creates an entry in omni_vfs.table_fs_file_data. A utility function named omni_vfs.table_fs_file_id is provided to obtain file_id given a table_fs filesystem and filename. Only a single data entry can be associated with a given file.

    insert into omni_vfs.table_fs_file_data (file_id, data)
    omni_vfs.table_fs_file_id(omni_vfs.table_fs('fs'), '/dir/sample.txt'),
    'hello world'::bytea

  • To update and delete the associated data of a file run the following queries:

    update omni_vfs.table_fs_file_data
    data = 'new data'::bytea
    file_id = omni_vfs.table_fs_file_id(omni_vfs.table_fs('fs'), '/dir/sample.txt');
    delete from omni_vfs.table_fs_file_data
    file_id = omni_vfs.table_fs_file_id(omni_vfs.table_fs('fs'), '/dir/sample.txt');

  • To delete the file entry run the following query. It only succeeds if it has no associated data entry.

    delete from omni_vfs.table_fs_files
    id = omni_vfs.table_fs_file_id(omni_vfs.table_fs('fs'), '/dir/sample.txt');

The API described above works for omni_vfs.table_fs files as well. It is recommended to use those to list and read the files to get accurate access timestamp.

Directory listing performance

Although omni_vfs.table_fs can handle millions of files, it is recommended not to have more than few hundred files in one single directory to ensure optimal listing performance.

omni_vfs.remote_fs (remote file system)

Remote filesystem takes a connection string (just like dblink does) and a snippet of SQL that defines a filesystem remotely:

select omni_vfs.remote_fs('dbname=otherdb host=', $$omni_vfs.local_fs('/path')$$)

All normal VFS operations called over this filesystem are proxied to that remote connection.

Performance considerations

At this time, connections are not reused, and every time a call is made, a new connection is established.

Runtime backend dispatch

In a real application, to make it possible to use different backends, one can create a file system "factory" function dependent on the environment they are in. For example, when in development, it can look like this:

create function app_filesystem() returns omni_vfs.local_fs
select omni_vfs.local_fs('app')
$$ language sql;

And in production, a function with the same name will return a different kind of file system backend.

  1. Chunk size is currently limited to 1GB. 

  2. Other file types (such as sockets) are not currently considered to be of practical use and will be reported as file. This may change in the future.