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This extension allows application schemas to be managed easily, both during development and deployment.


This extension provides migrate_from_fs function that executes SQL migrations from a file system (provided by the omni_vfs extension.)

select *

It returns a set of text with each element being the file name executed.

The above invocation is most useful for development environment or deployment that is done with the backing of a local file system. In the near future, more file systems will be added, and that will facilitate more ergonomic scenarios.

Can't define a new filesystem?

You can specify path optional parameter to indicate where the migrations reside on the file system:

select *
  omni_schema.migrate_from_fs(omni_vfs.local_fs('/path/to/project'), 'migrations')

This function will recursively find all files with .sql extension and apply them ordered by path name, excluding those that were already applied before. For this purpose, it maintains the omni_schema.migrations table.

Column Type Description
id int Unique identifier
name text Migration (file) name
migration text The source code of the migration
applied_at timestamp Time of migration application 1

Object reloading

For certain types of schema objects , it is possible to reload their contents without having to create a migration every time they change (which is fairly suboptimal, especially when it comes to tracking their changes in a version control system.) The types supported are:

  • functions
  • policies
  • views

This extension provides load_from_fs function that will reload all such objects from a local on a file system (provided by the omni_vfs extension), similar to migrate_from_fs:

select *

Its return type and parameters are currently identical to those of migrate_from_fs.

Ignoring files

In order to avoid loading particular files that match a language or a tool filename pattern, one can put omni_schema[[ignore]] somewhere inside such file (for example, in a comment) and omni_schema will not load it.

Multi-language functions

Object reloading functionality allows one to load functions from '.sql' files which can contain SQL or PL/pgSQL functions defined verbatim:

create function test_function(a integer) returns integer
  language sql
select a > 1

create function test_function(a integer) returns integer
  language plpgsql
  return a > 1;

Such files can contain multiple function definitions.

One can note, however, that SQL or PL/pgSQL is not always the best fit for a particular problem. This is reflected in the fact that Postgres has an ecosystem of other programming languages. However, writing code in those languages inside of SQL files is a sub-par development experience: syntax highlighting, auto-completion may not work; external tools that work with this languages are unaware of this embedding technique.

To address this, this extension provides extensible support for custom languages.

There are two components to this:

  • in-file function signature directive (conceptually similar to shebang)
  • omni_schema.languages tables that defines mapping of languages

The directive part is pretty simple: anywhere in the file, typically a comment you can put a snippet that looks like this, enclosed within SQL[[...]]:
# SQL[[create function times_ten(a integer) returns integer]]
return a * 10

The extension is syntax-agnostic, so it'll look for this type of line anywhere, comments, or code. It will then match the extension of the file to the language and append the given create function line with an appropriate language ... as construct and pass the contents of the entire file to it 2.

Future vision

In the future, we want to be able to provide a more sophisticated functionality to supported languages, like allowing to define multiple functions per file, use native language annotation/type systems to infer the SQL function signature or detect language when file extensions are ambiguous (like .pl for Perl and Prolog).

Currently supported languages:

  • SQL and PL/pgSQL (.sql) 3
  • Python (.py)
  • Perl (.pl,
  • Tcl (.tcl, .trusted.tcl)
  • Rust (.rs)

If an extension required for the support of a language is not installed, files in that language will be skipped and a notice will be given, similar to this one:

Extension pltclu required for language pltclu (required for foo.tcl)
is not installed

The support for languages is configurable through omni_schema.languages table:

Column Type Description
file_extension text Filename extension without the preceding
dot. _Examples: py,, rs
language name Language identifier to be used create function ... language
extension name Extension that implements the language, if required

  1. The timestamp defaults to now() which means that migrations applied in the same transaction all get the same value of applied_at, which can be used for grouping them together. 

  2. This means you can only define one function per file at the moment. 

  3. SQL language is always supported, even if corresponding entry is removed from omni_schema.languages. This behavior may change in the future.