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Kubernetes API


This is the central function to invoke Kubernetes API calls

Parameter Type Description
path text Request path
server text Kubernetes server, defaults to https://kubernetes.default.svc
cacert text CA certificate
clientcert omni_httpc.client_certificate Client certificate
token text Bearer token
method omni_http.http_method HTTP method, defaults to GET
body jsonb Request body

token and cacert are automatically inferred from default pod's paths (var/run/secrets/ and /var/run/secrets/ respectively) to enable seamless use of API from within pods (through omni_kube.pod_credentials() function). They can be overriden by corresponding function parameters or omni_kube.token and omni_kube.cacert settings. In addition omni_kube.clientcert and omni_kube.client_private_key settings can be used to override the clientcert parameter.