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Identity Type

How often do you run into a case like this?

create table users
    id serial primary key
create table orders
    id      serial primary key,
    user_id int not null references users (id)

select *
from users
         inner join orders on =

--- Why is this not getting the right results? \o/
--- ooooh... it should have been `on orders.user_id =`

In a simple case, it is usually easy to spot the problem. However, real operational queries tend to get a lot more complicated, with a lot of visual noise in them, and spotting subtle errors is hard.

omni_id solves exacly this problem by introduce custom types that are comparable to themselves but not other types (at least, not without explicit casting).

create table users
    id user_id primary key default user_id_nextval()
create table orders
    id      order_id primary key default order_id_nextval(),
    user_id user_id not null references users (id)

select *
from users
         inner join orders on =

-- ERROR: operator does not exist: order_id = user_id
-- ^^^ this just saved us precious time


This extension defines a single function identity_type. In its most primitive form, it will just take a name of a new type and will create a bigint-backed type:

create extension omni_id;
select identity_type('user_id');
-- identity_type 
-- ---------------
-- user_id

You can also select a different base integer type (smallint, int) and a few sequence-related options.

Parameter Type Description
type regtype Base type. bigint by default. int and smallint permitted, as well as their aliases, and uuid
sequence text Sequence name. Equal to <type>_seq by default
create_sequence boolean Should sequence be created? True by default. Meaningless for uuid base type.
increment bigint Sequence increment. Default set to 1
minvalue bigint Minimum value a sequence can generate. Default set to 1
maxvalue bigint Maximum value a sequence can generate. Default set to the maximum of the underlying type
cache bigint Enables sequence numbers to be preallocated and stored in memory for faster access
cycle boolean Wrap around when the maxvalue or minvalue has been reached by an ascending or descending sequence respectively
constructor text Name of the constructor function
create_constructor boolean Should constructor be created? True by default
operator_schema boolean Schema to create operators in. public by default
nextval regproc If not null, use this function (no arguments, returning base type) to make <type>_nextval()

identity_type will also create helper functions for the sequence: <type>_nextval(), <type>_currval() and <type>_setval(<type>, bool)


When it is necessary to construct an identity type value, one can use a constructor function like this:

select user_id(1);