MOTD service

Below is a simple web application that runs inside of Postgres and manages MOTD (Message Of The Day).

All you need to run this is just an instance of Postgres with Omnigres extensions (omni_httpd and omni_web) installed.

create table if not exists motd -- (1)
    id        int primary key generated always as identity,
    content   text,
    posted_at timestamp default now()

-- (2)
create or replace function show_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_outcome as
    omni_httpd.http_response('Posted at ' || posted_at || E'\n' || content)
order by
    posted_at desc
limit 1;
$$ language sql;

-- (3)
create or replace function no_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_outcome as
select omni_httpd.http_response('No MOTD');
    language sql;

-- (4)
create or replace function update_motd(request omni_httpd.http_request) returns omni_httpd.http_outcome as
    motd (content)
    (convert_from(request.body, 'UTF8'))
returning omni_httpd.http_response(status => 201);
    language sql;

-- (5)
update omni_httpd.handlers
    query = (select
                 -- (6)
                 omni_httpd.cascading_query(name, query order by priority desc nulls last)
                      ('show', $$select show_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$, 1),
                      ('update', $$select update_motd(request.*) from request where request.method = 'POST'$$, 1),
                      ('fallback', $$select no_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$,
                       0)) handlers(name, query, priority));
  1. We'll store MOTD here
  2. Handles GET request
  3. Handles GET request when there is no MOTD
  4. Handles POST request
  5. Here we update an existing listener's handler. This listener is provisioned by omni_httpd by default.
  6. Cascading queries allow combining multiple handlers into one

It works like this:

GET / # => HTTP/1.1 200 OK

POST / "Check out Omnigres" # => HTTP/1.1 201 OK

GET / # => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Posted at 2023-03-23 02:59:14.679113
Check out Omnigres