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Static File Server

omni_httpd dispatching can include a static file server to handle serving static assets through omni_vfs virtual filesystem later.


The following extensions are required for this functionality:

  • omni_vfs
  • omni_mimetypes


To get the handler provisioned, one need to call instantiate_static_file_handler:

select omni_httpd.instantiate_static_file_handler(schema => 'public');

This will create the static_file_handler function in the public schema. Its name can be configured by passing name argument with a desired function name.


First, we'll define a static file router relation for the type of the virtual file system we need (in this example, omni_vfs.local_fs):

create table static_file_router
    like omni_httpd.urlpattern_router,
    fs omni_vfs.local_fs

Now, we can implement the handler for the router:

create function fs_handler(req omni_httpd.http_request, router static_file_router)
    returns omni_httpd.http_outcome
    return static_file_handler(req, router.fs);

This function will take the request path as is, and it will try to find it in the given file system.

Directory listing

static_file_handler also takes an optional boolean listing argument that will make it generate a list of files in a directory if there's no index.html present. It's disabled by default.

Finally, we need to provision a routing entry in the router:

    static_file_router (match, handler, fs)
    (omni_httpd.urlpattern('/assets/*'), 'docs_handler'::regproc,
Now, all requests to /assets/* will be served the local filesystem pointing to /path/to/files.