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HTTP requests come with headers, which can be retrieved using omni_http.header_get and omni_http.header_get_all functions:

select omni_http.http_header_get(request.headers, 'host') as host;
select omni_http.http_header_get_all(request.headers, 'accept') as accept;

The header name these functions take is case-insensitive.


omni_httpd automatically sets the Content-Length header for any non-null response body.

For instance, having:

create function my_handler(request omni_httpd.http_request)
  returns omni_httpd.http_outcome
  return omni_httpd.http_response('Hi there');

insert into omni_httpd.urlpattern_router (match, handler)
values (omni_httpd.urlpattern('/hi'), 'my_handler'::regproc);

Will produce the response:

$ curl localhost:8080/hi -i

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 8
Server: omni_httpd-0.4.0
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hi there

Overriding Content-Length

omni_httpd allows overriding the Content-Length. This is useful for integrating with other HTTP handlers (e.g. Flask) that set the Content-Length. To ensure correctness, overriding works in the following way:

  • If the Content-Length is set lower than the actual body size. omni_httpd will use the new Content-Length and downsize the response body.
  • If the Content-Length is set higher than the actual body size. omni_httpd will keep its Content-Length, emit a WARNING and use the actual body size.